Canyoning Nature Alpes Maritimes Canyoning Nature Alpes Maritimes Canyoning Nature Alpes Maritimes

Valley : Loup

Allowed period : 1 April to 31 October

Minimum age : 16 years old

Jump required : 2m

Max waterfall : 65m abseiling

Difficulty : Black

Vertical difficulty :

Water difficulty :

Price : 90 € / person

You must take SPORTS SHOES IN GOOD CONDITION that protect your feet from shocks. Sandals, ballerinas, aquashoes and other light shoes are totally forbidden.

Also take :
– a swimming costume
– a towel for the return from the activity
– something to regain your strength, cereal bars, dried fruit, etc.
– an INDESTRUCTIBLE PICNIC that resists shocks in a waterproof box.
– a 1,5L bottle of water with a screw cap
– your medical treatment if you need it during the activity, the instructor can take it in his waterproof container
– if you have long hair, a rubber band to hang it up
– if you use your glasses, a ROPE LADDER so that you don’t lose them
– if you have a lycra top and you are cold, take it
– if you have a camera or a waterproof camera, you can take it with you under your own responsibility, take a ROPE or a FLOAT to avoid your camera ending up in a basin
– and finally your best smile, essential !

We do not recommend taking other items into the canyon as they may be damaged. The buckets do not protect against shocks and are not guaranteed to be 100% waterproof. As far as possible, do not leave valuables in the vehicles, as the various car parks at the activity sites are unguarded. Leave your jewellery and valuables at home. The instructor cannot be held responsible for theft, loss or damage to your own equipment.

We lend each participant :

– a pair of neoprene socks
– a complete neoprene suit
– a harness equipped with gliding pants, lanyards and descender
– a helmet

The instructor takes a backpack, ropes and a waterproof container for the first aid kit, car keys.


It is a very vertical run with a sequence of 8 abseils between 5 and 13m before arriving at the highlight of the show : a superb 65m waterfall which is abseiled, a good part of which is totally suspended on a spider’s thread! This vertiginous moment spent wiping the spray in a spectacular mineral and vegetal vault should not leave you indifferent. As the Vallon de Bès de Courmes is a tributary of the Gorges du Loup, it would be a shame to miss this very entertaining canyon. And the walk continues in the “Gorges du Loup” with a buffet of jumps and slides.

Meeting point

If you come from the bottom of the Loup valley, when you are in Pont du Loup 06140, take the D6 in the direction of “Gréolières les Neiges”, after the last crossroads, continue to climb for 1.8km, the car park of the meeting place will be on your right. If you arrive from the top of the valley by the D3, at Bramafan, take the D6 towards “Nice”. You will cross a large tunnel of 300m, the car park is 600m further down on the left.