
The most important thing is not to have a phobia of water and to know how to swim a minimum. Canyoning doesn’t require you to be immersed all the time, but to overcome obstacles interspersed with short sections of swimming. Flow rates are generally easy, and neoprene wetsuits improve buoyancy, so all you have to do is let yourself be carried along by the gentle current. However, if conditions are more difficult, we’ll always check with you when you book.

Under the age of 8, it’s difficult to find wetsuits adapted to the child’s morphology. Children cool down much faster than adults in the water, and they have different physical capacities at 8, 12, 14 or 16 years of age. There are significant differences in difficulty between canyons. With this in mind, we strongly recommend that you respect the minimum age requirements (8 years for the Green canyons, 12 for the Blue, 14 for the Red and 16 for the Black), as the aim is to have fun, not to have a bad time while enduring the activity.

There are canyons for every level! The green canyons are the easiest, accessible to inexperienced beginners aged 8 and over. You should at least be able to swim, and be able to hike a few kilometers with a little relief. For example, on the soft version of the Gorges du loup (Canyon N°2), all obstacles are optional, as you can walk around them on the banks. See the “How to choose” tab for more information on difficulties.

Of course ! A little fear of heights is natural if you’re not used to them. However, you must not be subject to pathological vertigo, which causes nausea and visual problems. The instructor will help you to gain confidence in your abilities and gradually overcome your fears. You’ll be able to achieve things you never imagined !

To avoid harming your child, pregnant women are advised not to take part in these activities, whatever the stage of pregnancy.

Jumps are never compulsory ! The instructor is very patient, always there to reassure you and give you confidence. And if you don’t feel like jumping, there’s always an alternative: it’s sometimes possible to slide down or walk around the obstacle, and if that’s not possible, the instructor can always help you down with a rope. Nothing too complicated, rest assured. To keep the session enjoyable, however, you’ll need to be able to jump a certain height, depending on the difficulty of the canyon: around 1m for Green canyons, 2m for Blue, 3m for Red and 4m for Black.

You don’t have to jump from a great height to hurt yourself. For a 4m jump, the impact speed in the water is around 32km/h, at 7m 42km/h, 10m 50km/h, 14m 60km/h… For the highest jumps, it is essential to arrive in the water perfectly upright and sheathed. Otherwise your physical integrity is seriously threatened. It’s a learning process that requires a gradual approach and time to master the movements and minimise the risks. It is always tricky for the instructor to suggest very high jumps, as he or she is liable for them. After assessing your level, the instructor will suggest or advise against certain jumps.

This is a variable that is specific to each canyon and indicates the height of the largest obstacle that must be crossed without any possibility of bypassing it. Don’t panic! The instructor will always be able to help you descend with a rope.

The water temperature varies depending on the canyon and the time of year, but it is relatively cool. That’s why we lend you suitable equipment (full neoprene wetsuit + neoprene socks) to make the most of this environment.

No, because there are often different ways of overcoming the same obstacle: jumps of varying heights, slides, rope descents or sometimes even bypassing the obstacle altogether. So everyone can express themselves at their own level, with the encouragement of the rest of the group!

Yes, that’s not a problem. For your glasses, you’ll just need to remember to take a lanyard so you don’t lose them. And as for your contact lenses, as you’re already used to them, you’ll simply need to close your eyes tightly when landing in the water.

Yes, of course, but make sure you have a fixing cord or float to prevent your appliance ending up at the bottom of a basin. You take this equipment with you at your own risk, and under no circumstances can we be held responsible for its damage or loss. We can also hire you a GoPro.

Included in the price of the service, we lend approved equipment in good condition to each participant:

  • A pair of neoprene socks.
  • A full-body neoprene suit.
  • A harness equipped with gliding pants, lanyards and descender.
  • A helmet.

Instructors take with them a rucksack, ropes and a waterproof container for first-aid, car keys.

For day canyoning, we lend you backpacks for your water bottles and watertight containers for your sandwiches.

Optionally, and subject to availability, we can hire you a GoPro.

It’s very IMPORTANT that you remember to take sports shoes with laces that are in good condition and that protect your feet from impact. Sandals, ballet flats, aquashoes and other lightweight shoes that do not provide sufficient protection for the feet are totally outlawed.

You can also take with you :

  • A swimming costume.
  • A towel for when you return from the activity.
  • Cereal bars, dried fruit, etc…
  • Water: 1.5 litres per person for a day’s canyoning.
  • For day canyoning, an indestructible picnic lunch in a watertight container that can withstand shocks.
  • Your medical treatment if you need it during the activity, the instructor will be able to take it in his waterproof container.
  • If you have long hair, an elastic band to hang it up.
  • If you use your glasses, a cord to fasten them so you don’t lose them.
  • If you have a lycra top and you’re cold, take it.
  • If you have a waterproof camera or camcorder, you can take it along on your own responsibility, but make sure you have a leash or a float to prevent your camera ending up at the bottom of a basin.
  • And last but not least, your best smile is a must!

We advise you not to take any other objects into the canyon, as they could be damaged. Canisters do not protect against impact and are not guaranteed 100% waterproof. As far as possible, you should not leave valuables in the vehicles, as the various car parks at the activity sites are unguarded. Leave your jewellery and valuables at home. The instructor cannot be held responsible for theft, loss or damage to your own equipment.

Meeting times

You will be informed of the meeting time when you make your reservation. For the activities to run smoothly and out of respect for the other participants, we ask you to be on time. If you are more than 20 minutes late, the instructor will not wait, he will leave for the activity and you will not get your deposit back. Please allow at least 30 minutes for the journey times indicated by the navigators, as the roads in the Alpes Maritimes are winding and very busy in high season.

No, you meet directly at the car parks for each activity. These meeting points are communicated at the time of booking and are indicated in the activity descriptions.

Booking and payment

Without a reservation, there is no guarantee that places will be available. We advise you to book as soon as possible, first come, first served ! You can consult the diary of scheduled outings, the number of places available and availability on the schedule. To register, simply fill in a registration form.

You can pay directly to your instructor on the day of the activity by cheque or in cash (in the latter case, please bring sufficient funds). We do not accept ANCV holiday vouchers and we do not have a bank terminal, so you will not be able to pay by credit card.


Only the instructor is authorised to cancel an activity in the event of poor conditions, for example if he or she considers that the flow is too great, or that the weather forecast is too bad or that there is a risk of flooding. In this case, you will be free to choose between a full refund or a replacement programme, subject to availability. No reimbursement of mileage costs or allowances can be claimed, even if the cancellation takes place once you are on site.

For cancellations on our part :

In the event of unforeseen force majeure beyond our control, or for reasons relating to the safety of participants (excessive water flow, risk of flooding, bad weather, etc.), or due to a lack of participants (minimum requirement of 4 people), we reserve the right to cancel the outings without prior notice or compensation. If no service has been consumed, you will be free to choose between a full refund or a replacement programme, subject to availability. The information provided on the course of the service is not contractual.

In addition, and in exceptional circumstances, the instructor has the right to refuse a participant if he/she considers that the participant does not meet the conditions for admission and that this could lead to a dangerous situation (state of drunkenness, physical capacities too weak, not knowing how to swim, forgetting to bring the required equipment, etc.). In this case, the participant will be asked to pay 30% of the individual price due.

For a cancellation on your part :

All cancellations must be notified by e-mail at least 15 days before the date of the activity. If this 15-day period is not respected, the deposit of 30% of the total amount will be cashed.

For group bookings, if there are fewer participants than expected, the group organiser must inform us at least 15 days before the date of the activity. If this is not done, all places reserved will be forfeited.

Refunds will only be made if you are unable to take part in the activity as a result of :


  • Proven injury or illness, on presentation of a medical certificate. Refunds will only be made to the person named in the certificate, with the exception of minors, who are the responsibility of the accompanying adult.


  • Car breakdown or accident, on presentation of proof. This reimbursement only concerns the group transported in the vehicle, within the limit of the number of seats in the vehicle.



For all activities, instructors are covered by Professional Civil Liability Insurance, which covers material, immaterial or physical damage caused to third parties as a result of errors, mistakes or negligence. Professional indemnity insurance is compulsory if you wish to supervise sports activities in return for payment.

Please note that in order to be covered by our insurance, you must pay BEFORE the activity takes place. Information on insurance conditions is available on request.